About Us

Hello, we're Fiona and Richard Cassidy.
In 2020 we gave up our office jobs to found (and fund) our outdoor project, Found Outdoors CIC.
We were both lucky enough to have enjoyed formative years growing up in the countryside which seeded a mutual love for nature. Between us we’ve worked a variety of jobs across retail, arts venues, office management, graphic design and marketing, but have always had an eye on a life more connected with nature.
We’re pretty keen on trail running, open water swimming, hill walking and mountain biking.
We created Found Outdoors with the aim of helping people to connect with the natural world, spend some time outside away from the urgency of modern life and feel the sun (or rain!) on their skin.
About the CIC
In 2022 Found Outdoors became a Community Interest Company (CIC).
A CIC is a type of Social Enterprise - a business which trades for a social or environmental purpose - that uses their profits and assets for the public good.
Funding & Donations
We are entirely self funded apart from a generous grant from a family trust in 2022 and a very small income from events we host. We are currently looking at more sustainable ways to fund both events and core costs to secure the longer term future of the business.
We are incredibly grateful for any donations large or small. You can donate below or contact us to discuss any funding questions. By default donations go to supporting our core costs. If you would like to donate to a particular part of the project (eg adding a timber shed, a new compost loo etc) then please let us know.
Thank you so much to everyone who has supported us through donations, time or attending an event here - we literally can't do it without you!
Community Interest Statement
This statement, from our CIC declaration, indicates the company’s activities and related benefits.
Activity: Provide a 54 acre natural outdoor setting with facilities for education, arts and wellbeing providers and non-profits who share our vision of a world where people and nature are in balance.
Benefit: Programme events including exhibitions, talks, workshops. Enable people to spend time outdoors and enjoy the proven mental and physical health benefits that being in green spaces brings. Expand access to sensitively managed, green space for local organisations at affordable rates.
Activity: Allow access to the woods for local residents of Great Cheverell
Benefit: Space will be provided for the local primary school to run Forest School sessions. A permissive footpath will be maintained from Victoria Park to Great Cheverell Pavilion field and primary school as an alternative to walking along the busy road.
Activity: Rewilding activities across the site, including hedge laying, path making, brush clearance, tree thinning and ride creation.
Benefit: Create a sanctuary for wildlife. Increase biodiversity. Opportunities for volunteers to spend time working outdoors to enhance their connection with the environment, develop skills and become advocates for nature.
Activity: Ecological and historical research
Provide a new study site for use by professional and amateur re- searchers eg. moth enthusiasts, amateur botanists, geographers, environmental science students.
Activity: Share our experiences online (through blog, youtube, website, instagram)
Benefit: People from outside our region can access our work and benefit from our learning.