Useful Resources

Here's some of our favourite websites, apps and resources that we use around the site.

Recording Flora and Fauna

The central Wiltshire records website: Wiltshire & Swindon Biological Records Centre

Main UK species recording app: iRecord App
Alternative UK mammal recording app: Mammal Society Mammal Mapper
Recording butterflies app: Butterfly Conservation Big Butterfly Count
Hedgehog recording app: PTES Hedgehog Street

Apps for ID

Comprehensive ID app: iNaturalist
Bird song identification: Merlin Bird ID and BirdNetSond ID

Documents and Books

The Tree Growers Guide download PDF There's additional documents here and useful videos too including The Young Tree Growers Guide.

State of Nature: annual report on the UK's wildlife.

Other Things

Become a Tree Warden! The tree Council

If you are in Wiltshire and are interested in ponds on your land then here's the scheme we used to fund them: Wiltshire Wildlife GCN DLL Ponds.

Bat Box Instructions


Here are PDF Instructions for two styles of bat boxes that we've built. They are simple to make and the dimensions are very flexible - just make sure the crevices are the right depth otherwise the bats wont use them!

PDF download: CJM Morris Slot Bat Box (from Vincent Wildlife)
PDF download: Kent Bat Box (from Kent Bat Group)

Theres lots more information on the following websites...
Wildlife Watch: Actions
PTES: how to build a bat box