Townsend Wood

Townsend Wood is a 21 acre private woodland that is part of the Found Outdoors green space.
The wood is part of our larger rewilding and outdoor education project. We are working with a number of local organisations, charities and individuals to improve biodiversity and animal habitats across the entire site.
Alongside this we host educational, mental health and arts focused events for small groups. Finally, Townsend Woods is home to two forest schools - Wild Hearts run by Hannah Leibrick, and the Holy Trinity Primary School space.
Permissive Access for Local Residents
We are pleased to offer a permissive access path (marked in red below) between Victoria Park and the Pavilion field for local residents to access the village from Victoria Park, and for children to get to and from Holy Trinity Primary School.
- - please stay on the path
- - keep dogs on leads
- - take all waste home
- - follow the countryside code
Please note, Townsend Wood is a working woodland and we do have to close paths from time to time for forestry or events.
Countryside Code
"The Countryside Code gives advice on how you can enjoy your visit to the countryside and also act responsibly to protect the countryside. The code explains that is important to plan ahead, stay safe, control your dog near livestock and prevent fires." - Natural England
The five main points of the Countryside Code are...
- - be safe, plan ahead and follow any signs
- - leave gates and property as you find them
- - protect plants & animals & take your litter home
- - keep dogs under close control
- - consider other people
For more information you can read the Countryside Code leaflet (PDF) or visit the government website.